About Us

About Us

Straight Street Outfitters sells clothing to people who have something to say, and aren’t afraid to say it. In fact our customers already know that Standing Up for what you believe often means Standing Out. Generations of Americans before us stood their ground in the face of massive opposition at home and abroad. And now more than ever there’s a real opportunity for this generation to step it up and do the same. Because we’re convinced that The Truth always finds a way to be heard, we’re committed to helping make that happen any which way we can. A Straight Street Outfitters design helps remind our neighbors that America is much more than just a place to live, and that those lucky enough to call America home are much more than just residents.

Straight Street, USA

There‘s a Straight Street that runs through every city and town in America. It’s where ordinary people like us live. It’s where we make our living. It’s where we live and where we die. On Straight Street common sense and plain speech have been our native tongue for a long time. Folks on Straight Street have always had a good handle on what’s happening in America. It’s not in our nature to accept failure and we don’t like excuses or cowards. We’ve built cities and towns and welcomed the world’s downtrodden into them. We’ ve fought wars and liberated nations. We have cured diseases, and cursed dictators. Fed the world, connected the world, and most recently footed the bill for the world. No other nation has ever amassed as much power and done less to abuse it. We The People are now more than 330 million souls–and we still believe that the individual, the person living on Straight Street matters. Americans have a God-given right to speak their mind and that the folks in charge are there to listen. On Straight Street that’s how things are done.

How We Got Here

Some of us have been here for longer than anyone can remember. Some came here on the Mayflower following a dream while others brought here on the White Lion were trapped in a nightmare. Different people, with different pasts, and different futures. How unlikely that this story could ever teach the world anything about liberty and fraternity, and yet American history speaks loudly and clearly–we are a people of change. America is a dynamic society, and Americans know more about advancement, transition, and transformation than anyone else on the planet. Our teeth are cut on doing hard things. From our ranks have come real heroes, who were not afraid of what seemed impossible and met opposition to change in battle and won. Our history is The History of innovation and improvement, and the world is a far better place because of it.

Where Straight Street Takes You

We shouldn’t be surprised by the confusion we see around us. Doubt and uncertainty are the logical conclusion when lies and half truths get special billing. Our response should be to apply the devastating power of truth and common sense to the veneer of legitimacy that protects all false claims. Straight Street is at the heart and soul of American life. It’s where the battle of ideas is being fought and won. We The People are capable of defending our way of life and don’t need permission to do what’s in our DNA. This isn’t the first time America has stood at the edge of a precipice, and it won’t be the last. Like our ancestors before us we won’t be intimidated or detered. After all, we still have a rendezvous with destiny to prepare for.

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